Learn More About Options for Uterine Fibroids

There are several surgical options for the treatment of uterine fibroids in Colorado, and these procedures can shrink fibroids. In addition to removing the uterus, hysterectomy surgery can also remove ovaries and fallopian tubes. This is the most permanent treatment for fibroids, but it does cause a woman to immediately become menopausal. This procedure is also known as total hysterectomy.

During this surgery, doctors will insert thin instruments into the affected areas of the uterus. Then, they will use heat, electric current, hot water, and microwave energy to destroy the endometrium. The procedure is often painless, but patients will experience some menstrual irregularity afterward. In addition, fibroid removal may result in a decrease in the number of periods. In rare cases, the patient may need a second procedure to restore their normal menstrual cycle.

A new procedure that is becoming popular in the United States is laparoscopic fibroid removal, which is performed through a small abdominal incision. A morcellator is inserted through the cervix and used to cut away the fibroids. The procedure is performed under a general or spinal anaesthetic and is usually painless. In some cases, however, fibroid removal can result in transient amenorrhea and vaginal discharge. This treatment is usually safe and effective, and it is a good option for many women who wish to avoid surgical treatment.

While there are many surgical options for treating uterine fibroids in Colorado, the most successful method is surgery. By blocking blood vessels, this type of treatment only affects the fibroid itself. When this happens, the fibroid will shrink, and the pain will diminish. The FDA has approved the use of an angioplasty to create vascular blockages, but this procedure is not recommended for everyone. Depending on the severity of your fibroid, your doctor may recommend a different treatment if this does not work.

While there are many treatment options for uterine fibroids, you must consult your doctor and discuss your medical history and the condition with your doctor. The treatment for uterine fibroids should focus on the underlying cause of your symptoms. If you have a family history of fibroid disease, this may be a factor in your condition. The following methods for uterine fibroids are both safe and effective.

Hysteroscopic morcellation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for uterine fibroids. A hysteroscope is inserted through the cervix, and a morcellator is used to remove the fibroid tissue. It can be performed under either spinal or general anaesthetic. Most women will be discharged the same day. A doctor will discuss other treatment options for uterine fibroids to help you determine which is right for you.

The doctors at ECCO Medical near Denver are a great place to call and ask questions.
